Storytelling for a Dementia-Aware Future for Korean Americans

My offerings

  • Co-facilitated the entire creative process and worked closely with the CAB

  • Crafted a storyboard flow based on the CAB’s vision and selected quotes

  • Crafted a compelling video experience through multiple design iterations

Forget dusty textbooks – this project tackled a real-life challenge facing Korean American families: dementia. As this disease becomes more prevalent, a cultural stigma often prevents people from seeking help. This project aimed to shine a light on this issue and build a bridge of support.

The project thrived on co-creation. CAB members, the heart of this project, shared their experiences and helped shape the path. Breakout groups buzzed with activity as participants crafted personal stories.Together, we brainstormed questions that mattered: "Why is there a stigma? How can we provide better support?"

A powerful video documentary. This collaborative effort, woven from individual narratives, aims to dismantle myths surrounding dementia and offer a beacon of hope for Korean Americans. By raising awareness, we hope to empower families and ultimately improve the lives of those affected.

Johns Hopkins School of Nursing
Nursing Research, Dementia Care, Caregiver Support
2019-2024, Baltimore, USA