Visualizing and breathing life into remote mentorship

My offerings

  • Crafted banners and icons for a mobile app curriculum aimed at tech-savvy female mentors

  • Designed a hardcopy toolkit tailored for mentees residing in rural areas of Maharashtra and Karnataka, facilitating their weekly mentorship calls using their parents’ phones

  • Designed intuitive app screens for mentor-mentee interactions, covering login, signup and screening stages

Mentee Character Design

Banner Design

MentorToGo, built upon Mentor Together's model, is a distance mentoring program using a mobile app. It connects mentors with mentees, helping them develop important life skills remotely. It aims to provide disadvantaged adolescents in India with access to trained mentors through technology. A matching algorithm pairs mentors and youth, overcoming geographic and social barriers. As a digital career mentoring platform, Mentor To Go aspires to bring mentorship to every corner of India. They've developed screening, matching, mentoring curricula and community support processes to ensure quality mentorship for all. Praekelt.Org was responsible for the technology during the pilot intervention from 2016 to May 2017.

In creating assets for the mobile app curriculum during the pilot phase of the intervention, my goal was to align them with the activities' objectives. Given that mentors and mentees primarily interacted via calls, I opted to develop characters for them. This approach allowed users to catch a glimpse of each other's lives, fostering stronger connections. To ensure the designs resonated authentically and were culturally sensitive, I delved into understanding the lifestyles of both mentors and mentees.

While I had some familiarity with the urban lifestyle, having grown up in Mumbai, gaining insights into the mindset of mentees from rural areas was crucial. With this in mind, I embarked on visits to Halebudunur and Somnathpur in Karnataka. These experiences provided invaluable observations and interactions with potential mentees and their surroundings, which greatly informed the design journey of the curriculum.

Banners, Icons, Curriculum Toolkit, App Screens

MentorToGo utilized designs across various platforms including mobile apps, curriculum toolkits, presentations, storytelling materials, to enhance user experience and engagement.

MentorTogether and Praekelt.Org
2016-2017, Baltimore, USA

Banner Design
MentorTogether's mentoring framework includes four stages: Connect, Level, Empower, and Evolve. They created a toolkit with activities covering 18 different life and work skills
to help mentors and mentees build strong relationships. My goal was to design banners that matched the objectives of the toolkit and activities.

The designs focused on the behaviors and actions of mentees.

The designs used a different illustration style to show the growth in the mentee's individualistic mindset.

The designs depicted mentors and mentees engaging in open and mutual communication.

The designs illustrated a mentee’s independence and freedom in making smart choices.


Reimagining the B.E.S.T way to commute