Reimagining the B.E.S.T way to commute

My offerings
storytelling, visual design

B.E.S.T is Mumbai's pride with 4680 buses. It connects approximately five million people via 365 routes. For my final year college project, I designed a campaign to highlight the significant value of the transportation service provided by BEST to its daily commuters.

Through the eyes of weary or dreamy travelers, I tried to bring the sentiment of uniqueness with every long and mysterious bus journey. The elevated position of the bus allows Mumbaikars to see the different shades of the ever-changing city they would otherwise miss out on while traveling by another vehicle. Hence, the tagline ‘Your BEST window to Mumbai.’ To show this kaleidoscopic experience, I created an interactive campaign using hoardings, postcards, and a customized mobile app that allows people to share stories and pictures from their bus experiences.

It's important to acknowledge that while some commuters may find joy and presence in romanticizing their bus journey, others may feel opposite emotions like frustration, exhaustion, or suffocation. Therefore, the interactive campaign aims to encourage honest conversations if people choose to participate in it. Various factors, like caste, class, religion, gender, and more, can make each person's bus ride different. The hope is to use the bus as a platform to not only expose the positive aspects but also shed light on the problematic aspects within the city.

Ecole Intuit Lab
Independent Campaign Project
2015, Mumbai, India


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